Revel Ultima Salon 2

How good are the  Revel Ultima Salon 2 Some reveiws say there better than the IRS Betas

Showing 4 responses by biggarthomas

Had them for about18 months now. I moved to the Salons from Paradigm Signature 8s. Both speakers use Be for their tweeters and, in listening to both, you can identify the similarity in sound signature. However, the similarity between the two speakers ends at the use of the same element for their tweeters. The Revel presents a top yo bottom integration and refinement in sound. These speakers have to be on spikes or some such support.

For the first week that I had them, I placed the unsupported base on a carpeted surface. I thought that I was hearing a very good low end. Then I spiked the speakers and was treated to what sounded like 'less' bass but also to a refinement in the low signal that really showed why these speakers are so special. These are so insanely articulate.

in the 18 months since acquiring them, I have not fiddled with the boundary controls and the tweeter refinements. One of these days, when I have the time, I'm going to see how those controls change the listener experience.

I pair the Revels with an Ayre VX-5 Twenty. Until a few weeks ago, I had used an Ayre V5xe. The difference is tangible. The VX-5 is far more powerful than the V5xe - not just in the numbers but in the way that the music is presented with urgency. The VX-5 is a highly refined amplifier with bags of power, it facilitated using the Revel's top to bottom seamless deliver and the setting up of a gorgeous soundstage.
I’m not going to argue with the scores of people who have focused on getting the right amplifier for the Salon2. I’ve been using an Ayre VX-5 Twenty to what I thought was great effect. Two weeks ago, I replaced my Audio Research DAC8 with a PS Audio DirectStream. Holy hell what a difference. Whilst the Directstream has still not been broken in, I’ve experienced a fantastic difference in bass response and in the overall colour palette of all genre of music. I’ll post more as the Dac acclimatizes but, I’ll tell you now, yes, with these speakers, amplifier pairing may be important but the DAC oh, the DAC!
I would try the Salons in a 12*16*8 room. The ceilings might be a little too low but I think that the floor area is fine.
You know, I wonder whether the idea that the Salons need massive power amps is one of those things that is so often repeated that it is taken to be true? In the Revel Ultima Salon 2 owners manual the manufacturer states that, “a massive power amplifier is not required to drive Revel loudspeakers to reasonable volume levels in large listening spaces.”

I have heard these speakers driven by a 100 wpc amplifier and found that there was absolutely nothing lacking. My own amp, the Ayre Vx-5 Twenty 175 in 8 ohms and 350 into 4 ohms very competently drives the Salons to levels that are impossible to listen to.