Revel ultima 2 salon owners biwire or not

How many of you are biwiring your salon2's
Do you find it to make a noticeable difference
I am awaiting a pair of the salon2 soon
My system
Basis 2200 signature with vector4
Aesthetix Rhea signature
Ayre c5xe
Parasound jc1
Bat 51se
Speaker cables kubala emotion non biwire

I agree, using banana plugs with the door closed seems impossible with these speakers. That was very annoying, because my preferred connector is a locking banana. It sounds like your problem with the upper binding posts is that you are using a thick or inflexible speaker cable. If you want the door to close and you want to biwire you must use a very flexible wire, like zipcord (which I use). If you must use a high-end speaker cable you must open/remove the door, or just use a single wire.
Frankly, the doors are at the back of the speakers. The fact that they are often open doesn’t bother me in the least - wait, do you think that the doors being open has an effect on sound quality?
Mine are bi-amped using spades and thick Canare 4S11 wire.  Door closes just fine - but barely.
Yes, I am bi-amping using a pair of ATI 3002s.  A small but noticeable improvement.  I noticed more of improvement adding subs.