Revel Studio2, Thiel 3.7 or Wilson Sophia 2

Considering these 3 speakers to upgrade my current system. Room is 16 X 19 by 9.

Current gear:
- Anthem AVM30
- Anthem MCA50
- Denon 2910 (to be replaced shortly with the OPPO 83 SE)
- Revel F32/C32
- Velodyne HGS10

I listen to mostly Jazz (contemporary), some rock and classical.

System is used mostly for music (60-70%) with an occasional movie.

Any thoughts or recommendations?

Your power is enough, but there is more to it than power. You should buy speakers first IMO though. Buying good gear with so so speakers is a waist. At least with good speakers you will get the best out of each upgrade. Also most dealers will let you take electronics home but speakers are much harder to take home...
Thanks James63. That is what I'm planning on doing. Next year I will upgrade the amp and, probably, the pre/pro as well.

This year I will focus on the speakers and the DVD/CD player.
Ritmo, try listening to this pairing: Thiel CS3.7 with Parasound Halo JC2 pre/JC2 power (800Wpc into 4 ohms). I heard them last week and was quite impressed by them. They definitely made a much greater impression on me than the Wilson Sasha + ARC Ref 3 pre/110 power setup which I also auditioned. Plus it's great value for the money.
All are great speakers based on jazz music and your equipment-my suggestions are these
1) Thiel 2)Wilsons 3) Revel