Revel or Vandersteins 3A's /Which is better?

I'm thinking of moving from Vanderstein 3A's to the Revel Performa M20 or M22 or F30. I'm using Proceed CDD, Levinson 28 preamp, Threshold S500, Goldmund Memisis 12 DAC. Any help is appreciated. Dave Taylor

Showing 3 responses by biomimetic

Usually when people say "Attacking speakers" I find they mean "lack of transient detail" or in fact what makes music sound "alive". I agree some of the up market speakers sound ugly, boomy, unpleasant, but perhaps accurate. I don't think most spaces in which I have heard them have been designed to show whether the speaker was good or not, but instead to make a point about how cool audio gear looks in a showroom. This is not a good test, and neither is an EE guide; I agree. Why does point to point wiring sound more natural? I don't know, but I know it can when it's good. Other things, like cryo have real answers; some are more of a mystery. But phasic problems, especially when you look how crappy the response of ANY speaker is when compared to a waveform baseline, is basically an academic problem no matter what. And time delay echoes around the room seem more likely to crop up than a room in which you WILL hear the differences in cone phase. Let alone gear, and interconnects, and current from the wall.