Revel Concerta F12 --- still a respected speaker ?

With all the new "thinner, prettier, sexier" speaker designs out there today, is the "ugly rectangular" Revel Concerta F12 still considered a terriifc speaker ? For those of us who value a speaker's musical quality more than it's esthetics, is the Revel F12 still a wise purchase ? How well does it match with a 50 watt EL-34 tube amp ?

Showing 2 responses by adam18

Thanks Stan.. that's exactly what I have in mind. I've been loving my Vandersteens since 1977, but I'm in the mood for a change. I want a "significant step up" without emptying my wallet, and the Revel F12's (from all I've read about them) seems to be an incredible "bang for the buck" speaker. I will be auditioning them tomorrow, along with the KEF Q900 and PSB Imagine T. As much as I love the Vandersteen sound, I want something different in my next speaker. I have no plans to change anything else in my system at this time.