Retip for zyx

I have an airy3 that is about 5 years old. Zyx does not have a retip, you get a new cartridge for a discount. Has anyone had a zyx retipped and how did you make out?

Showing 3 responses by gilles130

I have a zyx airy 3. The problem is the exchange price for all these cartridge. If you have a van den hull cartridge, it cost peanuts to get it retipped , very honest.
To lewm and chakster
It would be very useful for everybody if you could make a shout out between an original zyx and the retipped one.
To tooblue,
You are lucky enough to get 2000 hours on your zyx. My airy 3 suspension at less than 1000 hours was destroyed and on my French forum 6 members got reliability problem with zyx, so for my next cartridge I have bought from another company.
I was very pleased with the sound but buying something not very reliable and then giving a big amount of money to get a new one, not for me. I have better buy a model which can easily been retipped for cheap as I listen a lot.