Reterminate Syn. Research cable, shocking find

The factory banana connectors on my Resolution Reference FX speaker cables were getting weak, near the breaking point.

I bought some nicely machined bananas from Madisound, and set about my task. When the factory connectors were removed, I was shocked to find how flimsily made the bananas were, and how poor the soldered connections were. They were barely soldered on!

I put the new connectors on, both screwing them down tight, and using a good amount of silver solder, for a very good connection.

After they were all done, and put back in the system, they sounded better, and not just a little bit, but a lot better. I've used mostly SR cables for most of my cabling needs, and always thought highly of SR products, but not so much, now.

I bought these cables new, for $1400. You would think with the markup on cables, they could use high quality connectors, and actually use a sufficient amount of solder for a quality connection. Disappointing!
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Showing 2 responses by sabai

I find it interesting that Synergistic Research is often quick to jump into forums to defend themselves when their products are brought into question but they are conspicuously silent here.
I also find it interesting that questions about the build quality of the Synergistic Research Power Cell are ignored. There are a lot of very good things about SR but there are also questions that remain unanswered.