Restrictions, behind the 8 ball.

As a confirmed generalist I have determined there are 8 restrictions directly influencing one's direction in this hobby. It is however possible to either ignore them all or be paralysed by any, some, and/or all of them. If one chooses the first option...more power to you and by all means share the ride.

1. Economic- probably the greatest restriction or right next to....
2. Social- most of us have a significant other who plays a role. If not most of us have neighbors.
3. Philosophical- whatever baggage, assumptions,  experience, we bring to the turntable. It's there for most of us. It can also be an attitude of learning and humility. 
4. Spatial- where is all this stuff going to reside? The dreaded listening ROOM.
5. Aesthetic- very much a lurker; if not specifically you, and I doubt it, see number 2.
6. Auditory--how many of us know our range of hearing? You could even be an outlier and not have a clue.
7. Listening preferences- Metallica or Mendelssohn? Al Hirt or Wierd Al?
8. Choices- yes when you make a choice in this world it can lead directly to restricting your next decision, or distorting a previous decision. 



Showing 1 response by grey9hound

Restrictions ..????? I think your brain is restricted or distorted or influenced by a substance.
Maybe 8 things or reasons for making choices , but not 8 restrictions.
Making a a choice can distort the previous decision ?
How so .
Example ???