Restoring a Transrotor

Just pulled this baby out of storage where it's been for several years. So long I think that sitting has caused it more harm than if it had been used. One of the glass panes on the outer cover sides has been broken and needs to be replaced. The tone arm looks like it needs a re-wire, the wires are cracked and just look plain old. The motor seems dead, but it could just be the power cord. This table is so beautiful that I want to see it working again so I've decided now is the time to begin this project. If anyone out there is familiar with these legendary tables and where to get parts or find other enthusiasts, I would be greatly appreciative for any info you could throw my way.
Phil, I sent you an email; perhaps it didn't make it through your junk mail filter. Repeated below...

Thanks! I found the Skeleton with the tonearm and (presumably) all the essential parts in a bag inside. I've downloaded the manual off of vinylengine, and though the manual refers to the tonearm coming in a separate package, requiring installation, the instructions to do so seem sketchy. Moreover, the instructions (such as they are) refer to the use of an included template to align the vestigal/cartridge mounting, but no such template was included with the unit. Is there an alternative template available, e.g., downloaded from vinylengine, that would suffice? Is there a specific type/brand of oil I should use on the spindle bearing (I know NOT to use 3-in-1 oil)? Overall, are there any "gotcha's" that I should know about prior to proceeding? Anything you can tell me now would be appreciated, and I promise not to bother you unless I absolutely get stuck. FYI, I have contacted Michael Gammon at Transcriptors twice with a few specific questions, getting responses like, 'We're here,' or 'Send me the unit,' rather than answering the questions. Thank you very much!
Try to get in contact with Mr. Raeke from Transrotor/Germany. I think they refurbish those.
I have a Transcriptors Skeleton that I have owned for 39 years now. What a beauty. I recently tried to revive it after getting a new belt for it and lo and behold it still works. It's just been sitting idle on display all these years. It could use a tune-up though. The wiring in the tonearm up to cartridge shows age but I'm thrilled that it still works. I plan on having a local expert give it some tlc in hopes that it can be restored to tip top shape