reserve vta solves issue on zyx, triplaner

I had a real shrill setup on my turntable

see this thread

with a little help from Richard Grey, he suggested readjusting by lowering the back of the arm below parallel

the grating sound is gone and I was able to dial in the vta and get lucious sound again. although I am gettting more surface noise

it appears my cantilever has settled where the cartridge is riding lower towards the record surface. Lowering the back of the arm from parallel is giving me better sonics. is there a problem with the cantilever bending up too much?

anything else I should look into?


Showing 3 responses by stltrains

I have found that when i lighten up the VTA i loose to much sound stage, 3d sound and image. I am beginning to believe that this combo is dependent on what turntable used. I had the combo on my Aries 3 set up, my UNIverse had over 1000 hrs on it and i was easily able to track in the 1.65 area with out any problems and had total enjoyment listening to music. When i changed tables to Redpoint i found that at those lower settings i was not enjoying the sound and music as well. I slowly started increasing VTF till i got in the 2.00 to 1.95 area and for me thats where i have VTF for the best sound to my ears.

As for VTA i start out as level as i can determine and make small adjustments from there. And bring the adjustment in by ear for better sound.

The higher VTF is much better for my whole musical picture, i dont think there is a rule but what actually works for you and your gear. You have to make your mind up that until you make changes in your set up you will never know if you can get better sound or worse. It just has to be in small movements because UNIvers is so good that as Doug says when you find that window of sound you will surely know it.
One other very important adjustment is skate adjustments. With Triplanar you can use brass washers and nuts in place of the supplied weight. You can add or subtract when playing with out any harm just lift the skate devise when doing so. I have found that just one washer can make a very large difference in what you are hearing.

Another of the you have to try to hear a difference adjustments.

Trust me your efforts will pay high musical dividends unlike whats going in other worldly issues.
Tom dont feel bad i bit the ZYX bullet a while back also. Broke the stylus off my Universe.

What i did for break in differently the second time was log my time in 20 minute measures per side with the old fashioned line method. I used 20 mins. because that about the average. Since mid Sept. i have logged 225 hours on my Universe. You will hear the differences in break in for sure. Good luck with your new ZYX.

I agree Mr Mehran is one of the best in all of audio. Runs a knowledge and prompt audio business and a fine person.