reserve vta solves issue on zyx, triplaner

I had a real shrill setup on my turntable

see this thread

with a little help from Richard Grey, he suggested readjusting by lowering the back of the arm below parallel

the grating sound is gone and I was able to dial in the vta and get lucious sound again. although I am gettting more surface noise

it appears my cantilever has settled where the cartridge is riding lower towards the record surface. Lowering the back of the arm from parallel is giving me better sonics. is there a problem with the cantilever bending up too much?

anything else I should look into?


Showing 3 responses by sirspeedy

I'll try to simplify this,to be a bit different.Since all other posts are so darn good already.

Get a good(you'll enjoy it anyway)LP consisting of a "hand-bell choir".It may take some work to find,but this is superb set-up material,and gorgeous sounding instruments anyway.

Follow the previous posts regarding set-up,and listen to the actual timbre of the various "Bells".When gotten correctly,they have an etheral delicacy,and stunning precision!
The subtle dynamis (soft and loud)metallic qualities will stand out in bold relief....

If the arm/cartridge(or any other set-up parameters) are off,even in the slightest,the bells will sound more like "glass" than metal.You'll know it when it clicks in...Guaranteed!!

Good luck
Doug,shouldn't you be packing your suit cases,and staying off the computer?

You could easily be forgetting something like toothe paste,or shampoo -:)

Lucky dog!!!!!
FWIW, I "always" forget the slippers and remember Flannel PJ's!! It's cold in the Mile High City.

Hope this helps -:)