reserve vta solves issue on zyx, triplaner

I had a real shrill setup on my turntable

see this thread

with a little help from Richard Grey, he suggested readjusting by lowering the back of the arm below parallel

the grating sound is gone and I was able to dial in the vta and get lucious sound again. although I am gettting more surface noise

it appears my cantilever has settled where the cartridge is riding lower towards the record surface. Lowering the back of the arm from parallel is giving me better sonics. is there a problem with the cantilever bending up too much?

anything else I should look into?


Showing 6 responses by audiotomb

thanks Richard and Doug

I used a Feikert protractor

I'm tracking around 1.8.

the cartridge appears nearly level on the top, but very little clearance underneath, as the cantilever is riding high (tending upward). the arm is definitely low to the back by a good 1/4 inch (when the vta sweet spot is hit).

that's why I couldn't find the vta spot before

I'm a bit concerned about the low clearance of the cartridge over the record. It appeared to be higher before

I'm considering sending my triplaner in for the micro vta adjustment but I am using the added rings triplaner tip
thanks for all the comments guys

why the vta dial in failed to work previously is that I only varied it in near parallel arm mode

the horizontal alignment (dropping the back of the arm down) needed to get vta dialed in is pretty large (like 1/4 inch)so I was never in that field of play in my adjustments

I have a Feikert where you can lock in pivot to spindle distance, but they are not the best for getting the arc / azimuth perfect. two point method with poor sight lines

I've since ordered a mint from Yip and am awaiting arrival

the following thread at the Galibier sight led me there,
thanks for the confirmation here

my sound is now great with the tail down vta, but I can't wait to dial the setup in more precisely to get the most out of my analog

I'm also concerned that the canilever may have relaxed too much and that my clearence is minimal

thanks again
atmas - I have the ZYX Artisan for a phono preamp
which I would think would be ideally calibrated for the Universe from a loading standpoint

antiskate etc - I've already bought into all the triplaner tips Doug and company have listed here
results are in from Mehran and Japan
cantilever damage - he felt it had been hit at some point
diamond still in tact but riding too low

they could rebuild or send me a new cartridge at the retip price,
I swallowed hard and took the new cartridge

hopefully I'll have less problems with the vta and sweet spot in sound

maybe some of my vta issues were exasperbated by the cantilever issue

Mehran is such a class act! thanks


new cartridge is on, nailed my mint setup
still breaking in and it's fabulous
no mistracking, great presentation through the whole spectrum and tonally balanced, does sound a hair restrained from a fully broken in cartridge but not by much

I think my damaged cantilever was making vta overtly sensitive

thanks for all the help and Mehran for fabulous service

back in analog in a big way!
thanks DOug and everyone for the help
just a quick note

no mistracking at all
up till 2am last night spinning records
tonight I better get to bed by midnight

the things you do for engaging music