Replacing Wilson WattPuppy 5's

Yes, 20 years is a generous life span for these pets, but driven by the Vac Renaissance 70/70, well, they always sounded like 'home' to me. I'm considering either the Sashas or the Sophia 3's, once they're brought in from Eliot's loading dock and broken in. Should I anticipate a quantum leap in presentation from 1991 or has the Wilson 'sound' been pretty consistent over time ? Thanks. I'm a new member here.
The VAC amp will be placed in the coffin with me. I've driven the speakers hard and they sound it. I appreciate your word 'classics'. BTW, my front end is the Wadia 27 transport/DAC duo going straight into the amp. I use a CAT preamp as a phono stage only. (PS -I didn't like the Sophia 2 sound, but don't want to say why for fear of offending others on this site. New member here.
The Sasha's blew me away: a huge soundstage and amazing detail. Reminded me of the saying, 'Don't buy a yacht unless you have an ocean to sail it in.'
I have not heard the WWP5's or the 8's but I can say that the Sasha's driven by a 100 watt tube Acoustic Research amp have become my standard! Huge soundstage, (Pete Townshend's "Misunderstood" was an excellent example for demonstrating what they can do), very tight accurate bass and a 3d quality lacking on most speakers. My wife wants a second mortgage so we can get the Sasha's and if the wife wants them, you know they are the real deal!
I have a friend who owned the WP5 for 5 years or so.
When he heard the Sophia 2s he felt it was a big improvement over the WP5s.
He eventually ended up w/ the Sashas.
So far, peers that have heard the Sashas have nothing but praises for them.
I bought a pair of WP5's in 1995. While overall they are great speakers, they have an upper midrange that is troublesome. On most recordings they sounded great, but massed strings were always a problem. Any brightness in the recording was magnified. But with the right recording they were magic.

Over the years I finally decided I needed something a little more relaxed. In short, a speaker not quite as ruthlessly reveling as the WP5. I sold my WP5's and, like you, am looking to replace them.

I have it on good authority, a Wilson dealer, that the big jump was from the WP5 to the WP6. The WP6 toned down the brash upper midrange quite a bit. The WP7 and WP8 continued with the refinements, but these were smaller, more incremental steps.

The Sasha and Sophia 3 reflect the improvements implemented in the Maxx 3. The WP8 and Sophia 2 have the tweeter from the Maxx 2. Anyway, if history is any lesson the choice of the Sasha or Sophia 3 will depend on the size of your room and your need for very low bass. Chamber music in a room of 250 sf isn't likely to sound much different. But the Sasha would likely do better with Mahler in 500 sf room.

I'm considering the WP8 or the Sophia 3. The Sasha is out of my price range. A used pair of WP8's, while attractive, aren't that much less than the Sophia 3. To me, if the Sophia 3 really has a more refined sound I'd prefer that to the extra slam I'd get from the WP8.

I'll look forward to your comments about the latest generation of Wilson speakers. Since you and I were in the same boat for so long I'm very curious as to your thoughts.