Replacing stylus on a AT 150XML

According to the manufacturer, the stylus on the Audio Technica 150MXL is replaceable.

However, when I pulled mine off (stupid I know, wanted to clean it) I can not get it back on the body. Well I can, but the alignment is fubar and the cartridge collapses under any load. The enclosed instructions on stylus removal/replacement are useless.

So how can I get my cart back together again? Do I have to send it back to AT, or can a re-tipper do this? The stylus is fine and not worn.

Showing 1 response by fleib

Check to see if you have the stylus seated properly.  When you look from the side does the back edge line up with the back of the cart?

When you look from the front or back, is there a space between the plastic and metal body, or is it snug?

It sounds like a broken suspension, but you might want to make sure. If you need a replacement, Amazon or Lp Gear have the best price.
