Replacing a Muse Model 160

Greetings All! I'm hoping some of you fine folks can help me with some power amp recommendations. My Muse Model 160 has gone belly-up (one of the now-obsolete lateral MOSFETs fell apart), so I'm thinking about replacing it.

I briefly considered the Muse Model 200 but, given the difficulties I've been having eliciting any interest from the support and sales folks at Muse, I think it may just be time to move on. (I exchanged email with Kevin Halverson, now at HRT; he was very helpful in a general way, but did say, and I quote: "While I am still the CTO of Muse as well as HRT, I don't send* any of my time on Muse projects.") *(sic ...think he meant "spend" here)

I really love the sound of Kevin's amps (I also have a Model 100), as they've always worked beautifully in my systems and spaces. So I began to explore alternatives; some of the amps I've read about have struck me as ones I might like: the Odyssey Khartago, Classe DR-9, the Aragon 4004, maybe a McCormack DNA, older YBAs; ultimately, though, my head exploded with details, so I thought I'd ask here : )

I'm particularly interested in any recommendations from Muse owners (both former and current), and experienced amp-o-philes who are familiar with the sound Kevin's amps.

My details:

Listening space: 12' x 12'

Speakers: original Mirage OMD-15s
Preamps: Carver C-1, Emotiva USP-1, but usually none these days.
Primary Source: Oppo BDP-95

Budget: not altogether price-driven (sound I like is what's most important to me), but for starters thinking about spending ~$1-2k; not considering any tube equipment right now, but open to it.

Thanks for your time, attention, and any suggestions you may have.

Showing 1 response by zitar

A little late in the game ( I just saw it ) but i would be interested in the 160, as a parts donor for my own 160-- if you still have it. Thank you