Replacement Sonus Faber grille strings?

Hi guys, the grille and stand strings on my Sonus Faber Guaneri Evolution speakers are beginning to sag.  While I know its a straight forward task to retension the grille strings, I am just thinking that at some point I will need to replace the strings. The stand strings look a bit more difficult as it will require me to dismantle the stand.  

Of course I have no intention of paying the ridiculous prices SF wants to charge me.  So does anyone know of a source for the string?

Showing 4 responses by arloparanhos

I've been thinking about this for years.  This thread gave me the will to tighten by hand, and the fallback of buying new strings from Sumiko if something went wrong.  It's tedious, but with some good music...

Not sure if the string grilles work quite the same on other SF, but with Stradivarius, I simply inverted them so the "bottom" of the string grill was facing up.  Then, one by one, put a new knot in the string about 6-8" in.  Cut off the excess.  Inverted the grill so bottom is facing down.  Big visual improvement.


Received my new strings in February.  Spent the afternoon restringing my Stradivari.  It's time consuming, but a great opportunity for some listening.  Me:

  • Michael Kiwanuka - Small Changes 
  • Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks
  • Elbow - Seldom Seen Kid
  • David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust

I bought some wood and strung in the sweet spot