Replacement Power Supply Capacitors for SS amps

Looking for recommendations for great sounding capacitors to replace the 6800uf 100v capaitors in the power supply of my Warner Imaging amp. There are 6 caps per channel.
Ag insider logo xs@2xjoey
"Black Gates 10,000uf 100v caps. Going to cost about $200 each but the best."

Just $2,400 for the 12 caps, he he he!
Nichicon, Panasonic, Jensen, Sanyo... they're power supply caps fer chrissakes. Couple them with the usual "bypass" formula.
What's wrong with yr present caps???
Sorry, my response was not well thought out. Yes black gates are great but
2400 bucks for caps is not justified unless the amp is so fantastic you want to take it to another level. I agree with Gregm in that if there is nothing wrong
with the caps in your amp, why bother. If the caps are ok then try some bypass
caps. Lots of good bypass caps out there.