Replacement Fuses

Replacing fuses in amplifiers and Pre Amps
with high end fuses such as Synergistic Research and Hi Fi Tuning seems to make a difference according to PS Audio

Showing 2 responses by david_ten

A tube arcing issue with one of my NOS mercury vapor 82 tubes blew both a stock as well as one of my SR Blue fuses.

Just replaced the fuses in each amp with SR Orange. I'll report back once break in is behind me.
I now have 14 days on the SR Orange fuses in my amps. The Orange version is an easy recommendation for me to make over the Blue Fuses they replaced, which are good in their own right.

If you would like additional details, PM me.

I’ll post a short writeup on my audio blog when I’m feeling up to it. Health issues have been interfering.