Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ????

Do to a dumb electrical move I blew a fuse in my amp and thankfully it did just what it was supposed to do. No damage to my amp. What are my replacement options ???? I have heard some audiophile fuse's are out there for $25 a fuse....any comments would be appreciated.
sirspeedy - know what you mean! Royal PITA. Looking on bright side, AR wouldn't be the first high end company by lomg shot not to realize the fuses are directional and they can sound quite harsh/overlybright when inserted the wrong way. Besides what else ya got to do? :-)
Actually,next week I'm going to my "same pre/phonostage" friend,who has just bought the fuses.He has almost the exact componentry that I do.Except my system is better voiced,and sounds better -:)(a joke,in case he sees this).

He agreed that we would do some comparisons,and I will then know.

BTW--Steve Huntley of Great Northern Sound,who rebuilt/modded my pre/phono claime the fuses are superior to the stock stuff.Steve is a really honest and unbelieveably knowledgeable guy,so he basically cancels out the A/R folks.It becomes a split decision,as of now!!

I'll know for sure,next week!!
First, let me say that I have only tried the HiFi-Tuning Silver Filament Ceramic Body Fuses... and not the Isoclean Fuses (with a glass body and no solid Silver filament). Also, I am an audio manufacturer... and make reference quality cables as well as highly regarded Audio & Video contact enhancers.

I put SIX HiFi-Tuning fuses in my Atma-Sphere MA-1 MkII.3 Silver OTL monoblocks... and TWO in my Atma-Sphere MP-3 Preamp. All I can say is... WOW!!!!

The difference was huge... equivalent to if not better than an expensive Power Cable or Component upgrade. Better resolution, dynamics, instrument weight and image separation. Just more real... with dynamics closer to the live event.

I then QuickSilver GOLD pasted them... which even took them to another level!!! I was so impressed... that I became a HiFi-Tuning fuse dealer.

One of the HiFi-Tuning fuses for my RGPC 400 power conditioner was on back order. I also want to add that I have my TRL modified Sony SACD plugged into it... as I am out of outlets to plug directly into the wall. I received the fuse about 2 weeks later... QSG pasted it... and put it in. DOUBLE WOW!!! I couldn't believe what just one fuse could do to my system... although I totally understand it follows the proven philosophy of "Garbage In... Garbage Out". In other words... improving components upstream usually make a greater difference (with the exception of speakers)... as everything is amplified from that point forward.

I was so surprised at the DRAMATIC improvement with replacing that ONE fuse in the RGPC 400 for my source CDP (which has its fuse removed and is hard-wired) that I called several audio friends to let them know what just happened.

All I can say is that I know the HiFi-Tuning Silver Filament NON-DIRECTIONAL anti-resonant Ceramic Body Fuses work in my system... and the improvements were not only surprising... but DRAMATICALLY HUGE.

So for everyone who has yet to upgrade their fuses with a premium fuse from HiFi-Tuning (or perhaps the IsoClean variety), you can't go wrong... and should be very pleased with the performance improvements. Although I haven't A/B'ed the HiFi-Tuning fuses with the Isoclean fuses... people will probably find that as with cables, components, tube vs. solid state, etc., some people will prefer one type over the other type depending upon their listening preferences and system synergy. In other words, does one like chocolate ice cream... or vanilla ice cream... or neither.

Upgrading one's fuses is definitely on the list as one of the best bang-for-the-buck performance accessories in Audio & Video today... and should be tried by all audiophiles and videophiles. The energy transfer bottleneck at the fuse interface can now be minimized... with eXceptional results.

I strongly recommend that if you are an audiophile or videophile... upgrading one's fuses should not be considered as an optional accessory... but an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY... that will allow the full potential of one's electronic components to be realized.

I hope this helps...


Brian Kyle
I am still trying to figure out why the direction of the fuse makes any difference on an AC line where the current reverses itself continuously!