I have a modded D70, which I bought from a reviewer at a substantial discount from the MSRP.
I did an A/B comparison with the Weiss DAC202. The Weiss was very good, but the D70 was noticeably better. Note: To maximize the D70 it must be configured as the master clock using dual AES/EBU and word clock. Since I have a computer based system, I use a Weiss AFI1 interface as the slave instead of the P70 transport.
If I were to try a different DAC, and had the cash, I'd audition another multi-bit DAC, such as the MSB IV or the Pacific Microsonics II.
I did an A/B comparison with the Weiss DAC202. The Weiss was very good, but the D70 was noticeably better. Note: To maximize the D70 it must be configured as the master clock using dual AES/EBU and word clock. Since I have a computer based system, I use a Weiss AFI1 interface as the slave instead of the P70 transport.
If I were to try a different DAC, and had the cash, I'd audition another multi-bit DAC, such as the MSB IV or the Pacific Microsonics II.