Replacement for current speakers suggestions

Greetings! I am 64 years old and started the hi fi journey at 19. I am thinking of replacing my current speakers. I have a pair of Von Shweikert VR 2's driven by a Mcintosh MA 250. Analogue sources are a Clearaudio Emotion Red with a Hana EH cartridge, the second deck is a Technics SL-1200 GR with a Clearaudio Maestro Cartridge. My VR 2's sound outstanding with the Mac however, they are sounding clinical these days. I realise that at 64 with all my health issues hearing changes for the worse. Diabetic for 39 years, Cardiac issues, (massive MI in 95, double bypass in 05) and the latest is stage 4 cancer, no remission possible! I like a warm sound that recreates music in great detail without sounding clinical, not sure if that makes sense! Disability does not pay all that well! The days of affording 3k to 5k are done! Looking at some Wharfdale towers, Maggies and possily Monitor Audio. I want to stay abour or below 2k.I will appreciate your opinions!

Thanks, Bogiedr


Showing 1 response by henry53

At 68 I seem to fit this question and profile. I have my hearing checked regularly for my job, it is still excellent with a little loss in the +15k region.  However your hearing does change and perhaps your preferences in music and sound. I now play a small amount of jazz, I never did before. This makes me look for other attributes in my system, low level detail and imaging, for instance. Also all equipment is subject to aging, I had a pair of Royd Doublets for nearly 20 years and they changed markedly in that time. Newer speakers really showed their intrinsic issues and their age. Mac tube amps never sounded anything but warm to me, rather too warm I think. I doubt you will beat your current speakers for the price you are quoting but who knows. At your price range there are good but not great speakers. Maggies are great, if you like them, I don't, and if they suit your room, they don't?  Have you tried bi amping, your speakers can accommodate this, I assume. I had success with this using my Naim integrated and an external power amp, a LInn which was closely matched. This pairing improved bass weight and dynamics quite markedly.