Replacement capacitors exploding

I replaced the capacitors in the crossovers in my Klipsch KSM-1 stage monitors.
There is a capacitor that runs parallel to the woofer which had blown in a couple of my dozen stage monitors. They are from the 90s, which is not ancient, but I figured maybe that age is a factor so I swapped them all out.

The replacement capacitors have all of the same numbers printed on them but are a fraction of the physical size, and in just one season almost all of them have blown. I don’t think they were being pushed harder.

Is there a way for me to order capacitors with the same specs printed on them that are also heavier duty in some other way?

Showing 1 response by wolfie62


NP/BP electrolytics are super easy to make. They are just polarized electrolytics mounted back-to-back. The cans are connected together. But the capacitance value is halved. For instance, 2 1000 uF polarized caps can-connected makes a 500 uF NP cap. The voltage rating stays the same for both. Not rocket science here, folks!