Replacement capacitors exploding

I replaced the capacitors in the crossovers in my Klipsch KSM-1 stage monitors.
There is a capacitor that runs parallel to the woofer which had blown in a couple of my dozen stage monitors. They are from the 90s, which is not ancient, but I figured maybe that age is a factor so I swapped them all out.

The replacement capacitors have all of the same numbers printed on them but are a fraction of the physical size, and in just one season almost all of them have blown. I don’t think they were being pushed harder.

Is there a way for me to order capacitors with the same specs printed on them that are also heavier duty in some other way?

Showing 11 responses by fiesta75

The voltage rating is too low. Poor quality capacitors. Replacement caps installed are not Non-Polarized.
BP should mean Bi-Polar. They SHOULD be the same... Try to find Non-Polar, think the last time I bought some NP caps was on Mouser Electronics. I'll check later to see if they are NP or BP. What are the voltage ratings of the new caps and what brand?
rodman99999 - Thanks for the link to Madisound, good info to have around. itsjustme - Not so good...
Only true about higher voltage in some applications, like this one. Not true for DC supply voltage filtering!
I concur with rodman, half, I was mistaken about the same value in my previous post. Sorry for the confusion...
@jamesheyser - Are you still there? Any more info on brand, voltage or capacitance? 
I absolutely agree about Clarity caps, they are excellent. I'm not sure the benefit would justify the cost for "stage monitors", but that's up to him. I personally haven't use caps in my home speakers in many years as I like active crossovers so much better. Silver plated copper for me.
Amen, rodman99999. For people that recommended Newark & Digikey, I only use them when I can't find what I want on Mouser. I've had better luck with Mouser overall and cheaper!
I have not seen the high end films, but haven't looked. That's why I appreciated the link to Madisound. Yes I agree about searching, I too miss those big ass catalogs...