Replace Van Den Hul First Ultimates with silver IC's ???

Would like opinions about what differences I could expect to hear with silver IC's vs. Van Den Hul the First Ultimates. The VDH are very revealing and overall I am pleased with them, but there is some sibilance.

I have contemplated HomeGrown or Pure Silver Sound, but I am convinced that I won't get the same amount of information as the VDH's.

Showing 1 response by casouza

I use VDH First Ultimate between CDP and Preamp.
I hear some sibilance, but it is part of the digital recording process. This can easily be verified by listening to the same Cd on a portable CD player with good headphones (Sennheiser 600).

I have tried silver cables in place of the First. In general, you will hear more treble and increased sibilance with most silver cables. There may be exceptions, which I have not auditioned. The First ultimate sounds very smooth and has a magic way of reducing most of the digital "nasties".
I suggest that you look elsewhere for the source of sibilance. Maybe an aged CDP or stranded loudspeaker cables ?
Good luck