Replace Parsound Z-pre with what?

I am looking to replace my Parasound Z-pre preamplifier with a more transparent, better detail and soundstaging unit. I am looking tubes or SS. I am looking to still have a remote control. Please list some models that will perform much better than the Z-pre and I'll take those into consideration. I am looking for one of those "best preamps for under $1000 used, or let alone if tubes, best sounding preamp under $3000, if tubes were rolled". But I'm looking to spend around $500-750 max. I hope you know what I mean. I would be looking on Audigon, and not new.

I need atleast 5 inputs, 1 output, remote control,and must not be higher than 4" tall.

My rest of equipment that I have now that will be used with the next preamp:

Heart CD-6000 w/Siemens 7308 gold pins
Stereolink 1200 (320kbps MP3's)
Toshiba VCR, and DVD (I hardly use these)
McCormack DNA-225
Paradigm Studio Reference 80's Ver1 (for now)
All Signalcable IC's, PC's, and Speaker cables!

Thanks for any suggestions.

Showing 1 response by plato

The John Curl designed Parasound P/LD-2000 is an excellent preamp. It meets all your criteria and is a Class-A, dual-mono design using all discrete circuitry and high quality parts. I am using one in a much more expensive system than the one you list and it has dethroned several more expensive preamps (including a $4000 tube model). It provides all the features you asked for including remote control and can be had for $500 or less on the used market. I'd say it's a real no-brainer... I have also used the highly regarded Adcom GFP-750 and do not believe it performed as well in several parameters, but it is in your price range and would also meet your requirements.