Replace OL Illustrious 3 with Graham 2.2?

Is this an upgrade or a lateral move??

I'm using a Teres 340 and really stretched to get the TT itself. Therefore I had to use a lesser arm due to budget constraints.
However, I have made some upgrades to the power system and am finding that mu cdp has benefited more from it than my TT

Dont get me wrong. The TT sounds very nice. But my cdp is now rivaling it in many respects. This makes me question my vinyl setup and its weak link. FWIW, I haven't checked setup parameters ie vta yet. Nor have I played with loading.
This is mostly due to all the recent upgrades and tweaks and trying to evaluate them. Nonetheless, my system sounds better than ever. But I am curious about the Graham 2,2 arm.

Showing 1 response by hifidaddy

Some years ago I had a Graham 2.2 and changed to OL Encounter Mk.1. Even this old generation entry-level OL tonearm provides better articulation and bass secureness than the Graham 2.2, while being on par with resolution and detail. If you swap your Illoustrious Mk.3 for a Graham 2.2, this could be a wrong move rather than a side move.