Replace my DAC or not?

Hi folks--

Be kind to me, I've been out of the digital loop much too long.  I have recently started up listening again after I moved to my new home.  I now have space for listening my set up.  So, here's my question:  I am considering a new CD Transport (PS Audio or MCT450), but now have thought about whether my DAC needs an upgrade, too.  My DAC is a dCS Delius, which I bought new almost 20 years ago.  Nothing wrong with it, just don't know if I am listening to a Dinosaur compared with what is out there.  I would very much want to limit my upgrade to a new Transport only and not have to shell out $6k or more for a new Transport.  

Thank you for listening.  

Showing 1 response by georgehifi

The dac you have is great keep it, and being a ring-dac sounds very good with RedBook pcm cd's or downloads.
If you don't plan to go DSD which I have never heard sound any better than well converted RedBook, stick with what you have and enjoy your collection which I bet is vast.
Use the money if you have itchy feet to upgrade speakers or amp.
I noticed your  Delius also has volume and balance ability in it, hope you've tried it direct into the poweramp.

Cheers George