replace Mcintosh with Luxman

I am about to sell my Mcintosh 611s and replace with 2 Luxman c900u.. I live in Alaska, outside of Anchorage, and there is no retail sales of mid to high end gear in this state.  No opportunity to listen to amps before I purchase unless I travel to lower 48.  Anybody have an opinion on going from Mcintosh to Luxman.


Showing 1 response by hshifi

I would call both manufacturers and ask them if the other brand works well with their product. Also, talk to a dealer who is a dealer for both of those products. They might say it works great or give you a better option. Make sure you let all the people know as much information as possible. Type of music you like. Size of room
Do you have subwoofers and how are they connected. 
Treated or untreated
The cables that will be connected 
All of this information makes a big difference 
I hope this helps.