replace Mcintosh with Luxman

I am about to sell my Mcintosh 611s and replace with 2 Luxman c900u.. I live in Alaska, outside of Anchorage, and there is no retail sales of mid to high end gear in this state.  No opportunity to listen to amps before I purchase unless I travel to lower 48.  Anybody have an opinion on going from Mcintosh to Luxman.


Showing 1 response by crustycoot

As vinyl_rules implied, when a stereo amp is operated in BTL (Bridged) mode, its ability to drive low impedences is halved, b/c each channel's xsistors is "seeing" only half the load.  While the M900U is indisputably a magnificent stereo amp, I'd throw up a caution flag on intentionally buying a pair for monaural use.  Look for mono amps that are purpose-built as such.