Replace Dynaudio woofers?

Hello. I have a pair of woofer blown Dynaudio Contour 1.1s They have been sitting, unused, in a clean, temp controlled room for at least 15 years. I hooked them up recently and the tweeters were emitting sound.

Is it worth to source OEM woofers to replace? Is it an easy job I can manage myself? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance. 


Showing 4 responses by timlub

Dynaxox and HiVi have both knocked off this style of Dynaudio woofer. Both spec similarly to the Dyn’s

@xidnpnlss. I have seen the Dynavox drivers, they look fine. I have used the 6 1/2 inch original version of the HiVi. Totem used this driver in the original Forest, needed a bit of work, but turned out very well. I have seen a comparison of underhung woofers years ago, it compared a Morel, the HiVi and the Dyn. All 3 were 6 inch with 3 inch coils. The HiVi was the most preferred. If I can find it, I'll  post. The Dynavox look very good for such a low price, I know parts express has them, not sure about anywhere else. I hope this info helps you out, Tim

@xidnpnlss .   Email me directly.... I'll help you out,use my same name here, then add at live dot com

@xidnpnlss I searched the internet for a Dynaudio 15w38, but as of now, I have not found any helpful info. To replace this with a different driver, you need this info at a minimum.

Very closely matching sensitivity of the driver

Very closing matching impedance at the crossover point (not necessarily stated impedance(

FS & QTS that will produce reasonable bass response in the same box....

I have only found 2 drivers that my best guess will work as a drop in, but without knowing the measurements of the Dyn, there is no way to tell for sure.

If you completely switch drivers, rather than look for a drop in, you can easily modify the crossover and get satisfying results.

I know that you are on a budget, I would start with replacing the burnt resistors,. On a hard budget, I would get the Dayton 1% precision 10 watt resistors (green) from parts express. Most likely, they are the only components burnt in the crossover. Confirm that and let me know. Start there.