Repair service for Revel B15 subwoofer

I have an old B 15 subwoofer that I use as a center channel bass source with my home theater system which is otherwise very modest. I have noticed lately that the woofer is not putting out sound in response to an input signal. The woofer itself seems to be OK. I believe the problem is with the electronics. Does anyone know a service or a shop that has some expertise in repairing the electronic components of this unit? Thanks for any response.


You can try looking for a replacement amp assembly for the B15.  I replaced the amp on my B15 a few years ago. It may be difficult to fix at a shop since some of the parts may be difficult to find these days.  Worst case,  you can run the sub with an external amp and use the crossover in your processor.  

My two Revel B15a subwoofers have the same [no response to input] problem. If not worth fixing, then what is the 15" driver’s nominal impedance, and what would be an appropriate substitute amplifier?


Is there a service manual for the B15As?

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The Revel Performa B15a subwoofer employs a class-AB amplifier which can run without a load, which might make one think that the problem could be repaired by shipping only the subs' plate amplifiers to an electronics repair shop. PROBLEM: A B15A's plate amplifier depends on various a/c voltages coming out of a massive transformer screwed and glued to the inside rear of the subwoofer's MDF chassis. i.e. Two choices:

  1. Ship the entire 105-lb unit for repair
  2. Ship just the plate amp to a repair shop that has the cable harnesses and power supplies to deliver the voltages needed by the plate amp.
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BTW -- The nominal impedance of the B15a subwoofer’s 15" driver is 4Ω:

(For whatever reason, I cannot post the corroborating image here -- despite that it appears in the Preview.)

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I've seen repaired units available on George Meyer AV, I would try calling them and seeing if they can help.