Repair for speaker cabinet


I have a damaged corner on one of my R3 speakers.

I would appreciate if anyone has suggestions on repairs for this project.

They are black and only on corner hot damaged.

Thanks in advance for any help!



Thank you for the kind advice and I will pass this to the guy that is coming today. Hope he is able to help it look better. Worse case scenario is I give them to my daughter as a gift and she can have the memory compliments of her cat. 🐈‍⬛ lol.

I took the screens of the R11’s as I thought she might try and sharpen her nails on them but now this also gives me pause.

i just need to keep her out of the room as best I can and keep door closed when away.  It’s a challenge to say the least.



Any furniture guy will know how to make it look better.  It is the perfect, or near perfect repair that would be costly.  That would require refinishing the entire cabinet, not just the point of damage.  

You can touch it up with high-gloss black paint and a tiny brush (don't use a marker, wrong sheen). It will be better, but not perfect, and very inexpensive.

Otherwise, hire someone to rebuild the damaged corner with epoxy, not wood putty (JB Weld works well for this), sand, and respray at least the 4 visible sides of the cabinet. This will make it look like new, but likely cost a couple hundred.

Anything in between is likely to prove some combination of disappointing and expensive.

Good luck, and let us know how it turns out!