repair ? for NAD 3150

Hi all, can anyone offer recs. on how to repair or replace broken speaker connections/clips on the back of this amp. Two are broken.
I believe that the Marantz is not capable of running in bridged mode, so it is a moot point. However, I can tell you for sure that the NAD running in bridged mode was a VERY dynamic and good-sounding amp. When mated to an NAD 2150 power amp in bridged mode I had a VERY good-sounding and ballsy setup for not much money.

Thanx RW for the tip, especially where to look for newer/better posts. Also, could you share a little more about bridging and if i'd benefit. I have a Marantz 2230 that really sounds pretty nice with a pair of Klipsch Heresys. I know that Heresey's don't require much power to operate, but do you think, if it's possible, that I would recognize a better sound by bridging the NAD and the Marantz?
You should be able to open up the unit and visually inspect how the terminals are located/attached. If it looks like you can get at them easily enough, you might want to consider replacing them with newer, more rugged, 5-way binding posts. Check the PartsExpress and other catalogs for the parts needed. Or, cozy up to a local hi-fi tech and get him to do it for you.

The 3150 was a very nice piece in its day. I had one of those mated to an NAD 2150 in Bridge mode and that combo ROCKED! I powered a pair of Ohm Walsh 2s with them and the sound was remarkable, especially considering the price of the gear.

Good luck in fixing the unit!
