Removing microfibre strip adhesive from a record?

Whilst cleaning an LP in my Clearaudio RCM one of the microfibre strips was dislodged; smearing the lp with its adhesive.
How can I remove the adhesive (without interfering with the audio quality of a mint record)? I thought of using alcohol on a cotton bud - and then quickly cleaning the record to minimise the effect of the alcohol on the plasticiser - but I am not sure.
Can anyone suggest a solution that they have succesfully tried before? 
Many thanks in advance, Kostas

Showing 1 response by rshak

This may be anathema to some, but - as a last resort - I've used Goo Gone to good effect on a couple of records plagued with stubborn adhesive residue that didn't respond to more conventional treatments.  After the Goo Gone did its thing,  I rinsed the records on my RCM, and they were fine.