The asbestos date was 1977--phased-out from 1974 law./ Builders were allowed to use what they had/ It just couldn't be mfg'ed after 74./By 77 you couldn't use it period. One could have a sample tested. You can use an encapsulating rubberized paint over it.(Legal) If you are sure it is post 77 and want it removed--empty the room, plastic the walls and floor, wet it then the home depot scrapper. It comes off like a hot knife through butter when wet. It falls onto the plastic ready for disposal-- Only if asbestos free. It would be a major problem it it was"hot". 10's of thousands of dollars to have it removed and disposed of.I would keep it /or encapsulate it( depending on the date it was put on) The sound absorption/ first reflection/value;the reason.
If this is on most of the ceilings one would assume it was put on when the house was built/ If you know that date you are fine. The date the house was built is also stamped inside your toilet. The back side of the tank cover/ also inside the tank near the top.
If this is on most of the ceilings one would assume it was put on when the house was built/ If you know that date you are fine. The date the house was built is also stamped inside your toilet. The back side of the tank cover/ also inside the tank near the top.