Remembering Lou Reed

Can’t believe it’s been six years. I miss Lou Reed. I loved Lou Reed. I loved both the good and bad Lou Reed. I love some of his crappiest albums (Mistrial anyone; The Original Wrapper). 

We used to party with Sweet Mary Jane in the high school parking lot listening to Rock And Roll Animal. I don’t know how many copies of Loaded I’ve worn out. His string of early eighties albums had the most resonance for me. The Blue Mask, Legendary Hearts and New Sensations get played regularly to this day. Saw him live a couple times during this time frame. “Live In Italy” sums it all up for me. Great band, great sound, great setlist.

To Laurie A and the rest of Lou’s circle of family and friends; the love of Lou is carried by many of us and hopefully will be passed along to another generation so the light of Lou will never be extinguished. 

Continue to R.I.P Lou Reed (3/2/1942 - 10/27/2013)


Showing 2 responses by edcyn

I've been a Lou Reed fan since the first Velvet Underground album came out. During the hippie era, I'd get dirty looks whenever I sneaked a Lou Reed album onto the stereo I shared with my college roommates. It didn't matter that, at the time, my hair was just as long as theirs. It was the live album Rock and Roll Animal that finally got  a couple of my buddies to lighten up on poor Lou. What a band! I'm pretty sure I saw him live once, at something like the Universal Amphitheater, but I might just be putting two & two together to make 6,000.

I peeled off the Banana Peel sticker from my first edition Velvet Underground LP, thus ruining its collector value. Then again, I played that LP so much, the jacket soon  became a cardboardy ruin, anyway. I was turned on to Lou Reed and the band because Heroin was a playlist regular on one of L.A.'s pioneering underground FM stations. I can't remember which, but it might have been the one that eventually changed its name to KROQ..