Relative Importance of Analog Components

We see people struggling with what to upgrade next, or where to direct their attention if everything seems to be working fairly well. I'm probably a bit more inclined to give more importance to sources and less to speakers than most people, but in general I like to look at which component is the 'rate-limiting factor' which one holds back the rest and then concentrate on improving that.

But to look specifically at vinyl reproduction, I have the strong impression that out of the four main components, they can be ordered in importance of potential effect on sound like this:


Phono stage



I'm sure other people would list those four in a different order. How would you rank them and why?



Showing 1 response by cd318

1 Turntable - nothing further down the chain can fix any speed and resonance issues here. In fact they'll only make them more obvious.

2 Arm - once again structural/resonance issues will make the job of the cartridge much much more difficult.

3 Phono Stage - very few amps have good phono stages built in. Some don't have any.

4 Cartridge - even a budget AT cart can give you very good results in a decent deck.

Besides they will wear out fairly quickly, are far too easily damaged, and are often a pain in the butt to change over and align properly.


It goes without saying that turntable siting is also very crucial if you want to make life easier for your turntable.

A lower performance turntable optimally sited will more than match a better one that is not in the same way a budget Ford will run better on a new road than a Tesla on a bumpy one.

The quantum world that turntables operate in is not readily visible to the naked eye or one that can be felt by human touch.