Relative Importance of Analog Components

We see people struggling with what to upgrade next, or where to direct their attention if everything seems to be working fairly well. I'm probably a bit more inclined to give more importance to sources and less to speakers than most people, but in general I like to look at which component is the 'rate-limiting factor' which one holds back the rest and then concentrate on improving that.

But to look specifically at vinyl reproduction, I have the strong impression that out of the four main components, they can be ordered in importance of potential effect on sound like this:


Phono stage



I'm sure other people would list those four in a different order. How would you rank them and why?



Showing 1 response by boothroyd

It’s only as good as the weakest link.

The turntable must 1.) be pitch correct, 2.) be tonally neutral & 3.) provide relative isolation from mechanical & acoustical noise 

The cartridge must work mechanically perfect with the tonearm and electrically perfect with the preamp (including cables)

That’s it. Money be dammed if the tasks are accomplished.