REL R-328... Anybody Heard One?

not much out there on the new R series REL subs... if you've heard one, i'd love to hear your impressions.
Never liked "SUBS" much in a Music Only configuration! electronic or sandwitches However the REL is not the typical Sub woofer. The Rel 328 is a perfect match for the B&W 805 diamonds I tried both the 328 and the 528 and found that for my room the 328 was faster and went just as deep as the 528 did. Needs careful set up, but once dialed in it's like seding the B&W 805s to HEAVEN for an auditio
I auditioned the 328 briefly with magnepan 1.7's. I was very, very impressed. Problem is I have balance monoblocks so I really need two. The dealer advised 2 218s would be the way to go for me, but I might just get 2 328's. These things are doing more than just providing very low frequency reinforcement. There is so much air around the instruments. And I thought the timber was better. If you get a 328 set up properly, I can't imagine you would be dissatisfied based on what I heard.
I just purchased a new REL R528 to pair with my B&W 805Ds and am very impressed. It really ads a lot to the spaciousness and overall dynamics. Especially on larger scale pieces (of course).

Question for other owners: After the installation of a sub system, did you find it best to reposition your main speakers?
That's funny you should say that. I to am thinking the same thing. I can get the R-528 for $400.00 more. The Rel made my system come to life.
I auditioned a R328 and liked it so much, I took
it back and ordered a R528. Could have
lived forever with the R328, but I made
the plunge. Should have it Monday
I hope!
I auditioned the REL 328 and a set of B&W 805D today. Bought them both! I am a new to the active sub-base system technology so I won't speak out of turn here. I am comfortable saying that I was impressed with the speed and musical performance. The LFE was not connected and that was not my interest. I was largely focused on Stereo performance and comparison to the 804D. I felt the 805D and the R-328 offered greater performance and versatility than the 804D alone.
I have the R-538 (the next one up in the line with the 12" woofer and passive radiator 12" on the bottom). This replaced the Rega Vulcan I was using.. I can tell you that the REL gives you bass that is completely unrestrained, dynamic, LOWER than you have ever heard before... and it must be used with restraint! I carefully dial it in for each record I play even... the 528 can be very overwhelming (it is NOT boomy, thuddy, muddy or slow!)I'm thinking the R-328 will be a little kinder and gentler?