Reimyo CDP vs EMM Labs/Meitner

Has anyone compared the performance of these two excellent CD player combos???

Showing 2 responses by twopippis

I have listened to the EMM in numerous systems including one session for several hours. I own the Reimyo and was really pleased to come home and play it after the several hours spent with the EMM. I haven't compared them back to back but my feeling is the Reimyo is much more musical and natural sounding without sacrificing any detail. It all comes down to taste so understand that this is what I hear and want in my system. At the time I bought the Reimyo, I considered both and have absolutely no regrets in choosing the Reimyo. It is an amazing player.
I've bought numerous hybrid SACD's to use on my Reimyo. To me it's all about the quality of the recording because some SACD's sound absoluting amazing (Matt Haimovitz:Please Welcome.../Jeremy Monteiro Trio:A Song For You Karen/ Colin Linden:Big Mouth) while others are very mediocre at best. I find redbook to be the same: some good, some okay and some bad. For me, the majority (by far) of my software is redbook. Buying a player for superior SACD and redbook that is "okay" (at that price point) did not make sense for me and I love my preamp so no need for that extra. I opted for a redbook player that I felt was superior on redbook and in build quality. Again, personal needs and taste reign and are unique to each of us.