Reimyo CDP vs EMM Labs/Meitner

Has anyone compared the performance of these two excellent CD player combos???

Showing 1 response by rgs92

I have both the DP75V & the EMM DCC2/CDSD. I listen primarily to redbook. Especially with revealing speakers, the EMM is far better than the Accuphase (which is still very respectable & listenable & smooth). The EMMs have a beautiful saturation of each musical component (vocals & instruments, particularly woodwinds, strings & piano) that is a real joy. Each instrument is in its own space & has its own definite character. The real fun is every recording shows its own individuality, so listening is an adventure. The EMMs do all this while removing edginess & grain (it's magic to my ears). The few SACDs I have are not much better than the redbooks, & I feel like my whole collection has been upgraded to SACD. I formerly had the Phillips & the CDSD is far better in the ways I described above. The Accuphase is very harmonious with a golden glow & good percussion, but does not have the definition of the EMMs.