Reimyo CDP vs EMM Labs/Meitner

Has anyone compared the performance of these two excellent CD player combos???

Showing 1 response by mihalis

I live in Tokyo so I know well all the aforementioned players and some of their dealers. Since the EMM gear started selling in Japan this year, people are returning their Reimyos, Esoterics etc. They are listening to the new CDSD player, not the Philips 1000. I run the EMM gear with all tubes. In my listening tests, the EMM SACD ON GOOD RECORDINGS is way better than the Remiyo. On CD, it is a toss. The good news is that both players are truly hi end equipment.

Another more subjective test is the annual expos here in Tokyo (much better than NY's poor ones.) EMM consistently is used and the sound produced is always notable. I never heard the Accuphase and got impressed, even their best models and even with the extremely advanced equalizers. I therefore agree with the comments of others earlier.

I have posted info on some of the comparisons I did at a dealer with the top end equipment from Esoteric, EMM and Sony.