reimyo cdp-777 vs meridian 808

Has anybody been able to compare the reimyo cdp-777 against
the Meridian 808 reference cdp
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Showing 1 response by billyg1

I have finally done the comparison of these 2 and it was close but the advantage went to the Meridian and now have one on order. I sold my reimyo to a freind of mine and can't wait for the 808. I listened to them both side by side for 2 weeks and everytime I swithched to the reimyo, I couldn't wait to swith back. The Meridian had an even bigger soundstage and resolution that I have never heard before on cd. It is a truely remarkable machine and by far the best one box player out there. I also tried the esoteric xo1 limited and still the Meridian was king. The esoteric had an unbelievalbe build quality but sounded to mechanical or digital in the mid to highs