Reimyo CDP-777 vs Ayon CD-5

I am curious if any Audiogoner's have had the opportunity to compare these two great redbook players? Both warm, analogue sounding and both pushing the limits of redbook design, though from different schools of thought; one being solid state & the other being a tube design.

There is no doubt the Reimyo is built around a great transport, but do the virtues of Ayon's Skylla-based player put it on a level pegging?

Showing 2 responses by whitewind

JVC Pro used in Reimyo is on of the most reliable transports ever made. Not the cheap plastic stuff that Philips and Sony sells nowadays (even the Philips CD-Pro2 drive is all plastic & cheap motor under the shiny aluminum skin).

I have once talked to Patrick from Krell (Krell used this transport in their uber-expensive KPS-25sc), and he told me that they yet have to see one of those transports die ... so far they replaced only those that had been physically damaged.

With Reimyo haveing a healthy stockpile of those transport mechanisms, I wouldn't worry too much. In any case, in 10 years time, we will all use HDD based systems anyway.
I agree, it's transport is one of the best ever made, though I don't agree the Pro-2 LH version transport (as used by Ayon) is cheap rubbish.

Well, it is not exactly cheap rubbish, but if you ever have a chance to examine it more closely, you will notice that it is not build to the same standards as JVC drive is (actually far from it !), or one of the older Philips drives.

FYI - the CD-Pro2 uses same laser pickup, gear assembly and Mabuchi motor as the $10, all plastic, Philips VAM-1201.