Rega TT PSU..... one or two buttons ?

I'm thinking of buying the TT PSU as an upgrade for my Rega P3-24/Exact 2 front end. I've seen different photos on the web, and it seems as if there are two versions of this unit. One has one button (33 1/3 - 45 RPM), and the other has two buttons (Power and 33 1/3 - 45 RPM). Is there a difference ? Are there actually two versions of the TT PSU available ?
Also, what are the thoughts from those of you who have the TT PSU ? Is it a significant upgrade ? Thanks a lot.

Showing 1 response by miner42

The TTPSU for my P7 has two buttons on the front - right one is power, left one id 33/45 rpm mode. Button out (red light) = 33; button in (green light) = 45.

Although P3-24 with TTPSU will be close to a basic P5, I would opt for the P5 and add TTPSU later as funds allow. I had a P5/TTPSU before uupgrading to my current P7.