Rega Saturn R VS Rega ISIS

Can i get some feedback about the Rega Saturn R   VS  Rega ISIS. I just recently bought the Saturn R { Demo } and purchased the Rega Reference power cable. Absolutely love the sound of  Rega Saturn R.Extremely analog. I do not stream or listen to Lps. So my listening is only cds. I also own a Krell KPS 20i that i compare the Rega Saturn to while listening to cds. And i can honestly say that the Krell KPS 20i has a bass to die for and is somewhat brighter than the Rega Saturn R. I honestly love both players. And the Krell KPS 20i is an absolute bullet proof tank. Quality is second to non . I do love the Rega Saturn R so much that im thinking of maybe selling it down the road and picking up a used Rega ISIS either valve or solid state. Any i would like a first hand experience with some people who had or have the Rega Saturn R and compared it to the ISIS. My system consists of Krell FPB 600, Mark Levinson 38s , Krell BAFs. Rega Saturn R , Krell KPS 20i , Straightwire Crescendo speaker cable and interconnects. 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
Forgot to put in my speakers B&W 800 matrix quad wired..Now how the hell could i have forgot those
barnegat666 , I know we are not on the subject of the Regas but what made you go get the Krell KPS20i. I love it and think its an outstanding player in every way.Very high quality 100% .And wait til ya hear the bass!! Good luck with it. 
When I put the KSA 200s into the system, I could hear very quickly that the output stage on the CAL Icon was letting down the system. I came pretty close to buying a Krell KPB 32x DAC, but the more I read about the 20i, the more I coveted the thing. If the transport mechanism/laser breaks, I'm pretty sure I can find a replacement. In the meantime (if it did break,) I could still use it as a DAC. From what I've read, it's probably the best CD player that Krell ever made that didn't use CAST technology. The red LED readout, and the player in general, are stunningly beautiful. Perhaps most important, I'm now convinced that if you like Krell, your whole system (CD,pre,amp) should be Krell. You must complete the Krell machine, not mix and match with other brands. I see you have a Levinson preamp, from what I've read, Krell and Levinson don't work that well together. You might consider trying a Krell preamp, just to satisfy your curiosity, before you buy another Rega CD player.
barnegat666 Yes thats what i read also about the Krell KPS20i. Mine has the Delta 9 upgrade so my LED readouts are green. And yes i do love my Krells . My CD and my 600 FPB amp. But did also read somewhere that the Mark Levinson 38s preamp was a great match for the Krell FPB 600 from either the a Krell FPB 600 review or the Mark Levinson 38s review from Stereophile. To tell you the truth i was not curious about a Krell Preamp until now. What would you recommend for a Krell Preamp that compares to the ML 38s. I thought that was a an excellent preamp and match for my amp. 
does Krell still provide service and critical parts for their cd / sacd players, especially, the older models?

Happy Listening!