Rega Saturn. Is it really a giant killer?

Everything I read on the Rega Apollo says it kills anything in the $1,000 price range and above. The few criticisms say it could be better in the bass and high end.

I also read that the Saturn is a giant killer and a considerable step above the Apollo. More delicate, refined, detailed, great spatially, with very good bass.

Same modest Sanyo transport, same chassis. Can different parts and power supply make this much difference? It still is a relatively light piece (no 40 pound heavyweight) with no special vibrational features or construction that I know of. I've seen a picture of the inside, and it is pretty simple with one decent size transformer.

Then I read someone saying it beat out their Marantz SA11, which is an incredibly built piece with a high end, metal transport, supposedly using some audiophile caps, etc.

How much of this is truth and how much is hype?

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