Rega Saturn and Apollo-How good are they??

Rebuilding my entire system and need opinions on cd players. The Regas are supposed to be superb!! Will they beat all the Arcam players, including the old CD23?? How about the Naim players?? I am not completely sold on universal players either. I suppose the Arcam, Rotel and others do a reasonably good job, but assuming dedicated music players are still superior. Then there's SA and DVD-audio, not sure if there is enough software out there that I'd like to warrant owning one or both high rez formats. I would think the finest redbook playback can equal or beat em.

I'm a long time analogue lover, but have slowly gravitated more to digital listening, it's come a long way in the last 20 years, and I'm convinced that the quality of the mastering and transfer to the disc makes or breaks digital playback. My finest discs are very close or as good as anything I've heard in analogue, and I owned a few nice tables in my life.

Any thoughts would be great.

Thanks to all!!!

During the first 100 hours of operating my Saturn, I noticed an objectionable reproduction of raspy trumpets and trombones on one or two recordings. That condition has since subsided. My experience with the fully broken-in Saturn reveals a very enjoyable, sweet midrange, with no objection whatever. Only when I compare it to my vinyl rig do I find slight criticisms, mostly in the texture of instruments.

I suggest patience, not haste, in deciding that the Saturn is the culprit. Perhaps it needs more break-in time, or it is not interacting up to its potential in your system. Hopefully, other Saturn owners will chime in to give you a broader perspective. Good luck.
Thanks for the observations. I have it playing CDs all day on repeat. I'll give her another listen tonight.

Any other Saturn owners out there?
Not a saturn owner, but apollo. I found that the break-in was near 500 hours before I stopped noticing slight changes day-to-day. I think the greatest subjective marker I noticed was an overall coherence, tonally, after about 300 hours.
I listened to the Apollo in a showroom with a Rega Brio 3 int. amp., Rega R3's, and Chord Company interconnects and speaker cable and it sounded amazing. I just heard it again today because I am considering switching out my speakers for new ones and I was once again equally impressed. The last time I listened to the Apollo, they did an Apollo vs. Naim CD player (I think the least expensive Naim CD player, but still more than the Apollo) comparison and I actually liked the Apollo much better. I do not know if it had something to do with synergy, but it sounded stunning. I am going to get the Apollo as soon as I can afford it.