Rega RP3 or Pro-ject Expression III?

I'm looking to get into vinyl, and I think I've narrowed my turntable choices down to the Rega RP3 and Pro-ject Expression III. My assumption is that they're going to be pretty similar, but I'm wondering if maybe one has a better reputation over the other, or if one brand is known for better build quality than the other, etc.

I'll mostly be listening to garage sale records, but would also like to get some of the newer audiophile quality Jazz reissues available.

Thanks for any advice.


Showing 1 response by mr_m

The Rega RP3 is an excellent choice in its price range. I just purchased the RP6. It replaced a older modded Rega P25. While the P25 was and still is a very good 'table, the RP6 takes its performance to a whole new level. Inner detail of the mids were amazing and the noise levels that can plague anolog have gone to almost CD quiet levels. For the first time I now feel my turntable exceeds my CD player in just about all sonic catagories. I am using a Soundsmith SMMC2 cartridge. It's the best cartridge I have used to date having cartridges from Sumiko, Dynavector, Clearaudio etc. I use the RP6 pretty much stock, using only a carbon fiber platter mat and clamp. Just for anyones info, the older Iron age acrylic platter will not properly fit the new RP6. It sits to high on the hub. The older Expressimo Heavy Weight counter weight will not work either, as the hole in it is just a touch to small for the rear tonearm stub although I would imagine there are some of these tweaks out there that will work with the new Regas.