Second on the Sota. If you're willing to go used, you could even find a nice Sapphire in good shape with a decent arm for that kind of money. That gets you into a reference-capable rig with a myriad of upgrade choices as time goes by.
The Rega is a good table and a fair value new, but has no suspension. That could be an issue for you depending on where you will place the rig. Both the Music Hall and Pro-Ject are also well-regarded, but I've not heard those units so can't offer useful input.
Good luck & happy listening!
The Rega is a good table and a fair value new, but has no suspension. That could be an issue for you depending on where you will place the rig. Both the Music Hall and Pro-Ject are also well-regarded, but I've not heard those units so can't offer useful input.
Good luck & happy listening!